Recently nominated for an Aestheticians' Choice Award by Dermascope magazine, with features on multi-media outlets of Channel 5 News, Daily Candy and Bella Sugar, Bokhara Lashi is humbled by the recognition and inspired to continue her mission to cultivate wellness, organic beauty and healthy habits with a positive impact across diverse industries.
She embraces the title Lifestyle Entrepreneur as a professional sum up of the numerous titles and credentials she passionately acquired since 2005 in the fields of Education, Business, Art and Wellness which have culminated into a career as a professional entrepreneur.
Curious what’s on the list? The many titles and credentials of Bokhara’s work as a Lifestyle Entrepreneur include: Founder of Embody Zen. Licensed Holistic Esthetician. Certified Massage Therapist. Teacher. Esthiology Science Educator at Cinta Aveda Institute. Credentialed Educator with BA in Education from FAU. Math Assessment Editor at McGraw Hill. Nature Artist, Founder of Moss Art Studio. Product formulator / co-creator of Organic Devotion. Professional Writer showcased on AnnMarie Gianni. Blogger, Life Organic Blog. And a long time ago Bubbles the Clown, spotted at kid birthday parties.
For the last 10 years, and counting, she continues to be an integral part in her clients skin and body wellness at her San Francisco based organic studio Embody Zen. In 2018, she began sharing her knowledge, experience and unwavering passion for the organic skin care, life design and wellness fields through her features on the prestigious AnnMarie Gianni Blog. As of 2019, you can find a compilation of featured articles and additional writings on her distinctive Life Organic Blog.
Saying yes to fun adventures landed her, randomly and accidentally, in an Indian fashion and dance competition in front of 2,000 locals during her travels in India (video proof). In contrast, during her introvert recharge time, you’d catch her in the middle of a DIY design project, jumping on her trampoline or curled up with a book she borrowed from the local library.